August 29, 2013


So far I absolutely love all of the professors I have had at school. Mainly because they really rarely have anything bad to say about your work and can think of really great compliments for even the biggest pieces of crap.
For a lot of projects so far this semester the teachers have suggested we use a "just do, don't think" attitude. Because if you think too hard about the project you won't get the same  results rather if you just try something without contemplating too hard on it and then go back and re-iterate until you finally achieve the best result. So I really like this just do, don't think approach and have been using it more in my daily life and have even attributed it to my driving around LA, although probably not the best idea.
But this method did work well for my building class, where we were assigned to use wood, nails and cement to create an object. I took a few days to sit and think about how I was going to cut the wood and what shapes I was going to make and then what I wanted the end result to look like, and then I remembered don't think about it first, just do it. So I made these quick forms out of some basswood and hot glue and here they are ready to get some concrete poured in! This may not at all go according to plan, but even if it goes terribly at least we will learn what not to do in the future.

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