September 24, 2013

Campus Security

Had our first security breach in studio today. Some creepy man followed a student in and since I sit right next to the door I take full responsibility for keeping the studio a safe haven. I informed campus security and the chair of our department and I'm hoping that guy will never come back. But I now have the security office on speed dial just in case.

But because of that little incident and the millions of reviews going on in studios today we all needed to indulge in a little comfort food and alcohol after class. We went to a cute little place in downtown Burbank called Story Tavern. It kind of looked like an Irish pub but they didn't serve any Irish food and they had a few German items on the menu so I'm really not sure what the heck they were trying to be. But regardless I just got a grilled cheese with tater tots. Yumm. 

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