October 01, 2013


Yet ANOTHER field trip today, and this isn't even it for the week yet. I am really starting to enjoy these field trips though, especially the one we went on today.

 We visited the Los Angeles County Museum of Art with our studio class to see the James Turrell exhibit. We got there and first saw the 10 million dollar rock that sits out front and I took this super cool photo. NOT, I look like a nerd.

Next we walked over and saw the famous display of light posts that mark the entrance to the museum off of the street. So far it was pretty exciting, but nothing too great.

Next we went to see the exhibit which, ok was pretty cool and all, but I was left feeling a little bit disappointed because I expected a lot more. I also could not take any photos in the exhibit at all and they had very strict rules regarding everything. So then we leave the museum and we are standing outside talking as a class about the exhibit and all of a sudden, boom, Will Ferrell walks by. Day made. I don't even remember what happened to me before this, but this was without a doubt the best day ever. 

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