October 22, 2013

Venice Beach

I am going to post probably more pictures than I have ever put in any one post. Mainly because I really want to procrastinate on my work tonight, but also because we went on the best fieldtrip I have been on ever. We spent the morning by the Santa Monica Pier and the evening on Venice Beach. It doesn't get much better than that.

The purpose of our visit was to pick out a site for our studio project where we are posing as a filmmaker and building our self a house on the beach. We found a great site in Santa Monica and I can't wait to finish the house and move in.

Here is a picture of some birds of paradise in a park overlooking the new house.

We looked at houses in Venice as well for some precedents and saw the Venice canals that run through some of the neighborhoods.

We stayed long enough to sit and watch the sunset on Venice beach. Just beautiful, but freezing cold!

And then we ended our night with some amazing Italian food and some wine to top it off. I think today was the break I really needed because after that building midterm I am feeling so burnt out on school. I needed to take a day off so bad. Now its back to work.

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