April 27, 2015


Four hours of printing and $270 later I am done with all 12 of my final boards. Although I am not too happy with all of my drawings I am very proud to be done and be in the 1/3 of the class that was actually done on time! I am very excited to finally see them all up on the wall next to each other and be able to see how much work I was actually able to accomplish this semester. I am very proud of myself because although I'm not thrilled with the actual project I actually did learn a lot and I think I was able to improve on my drawing skills. I think that is what is really important right now. I did my first ever renders for this project with materials and light and reflections. Although I know I still have a long ways to go to actually be good at rendering I'm pretty happy with the fact that they actually turned out. Here's one of the central paseo of my project looking out towards Hollywood Blvd. 

I'm going to bed early tonight to rest up because I've been feeling sick and I've got 3 more models to build! It's all downhill from here. 

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